About George Junior Republic: Established in 1992, Preventative Aftercare is committed to keeping families together by providing quality home based services to at-risk children, youth, adolescents and their families in their homes, schools and communities. Position Overview: We are looking for community-based in-home Mental Health Workers and Mental Health Professionals (counselors). George Junior Republic Preventative Aftercare is committed to assisting families in establishing safety, permanency, stability and well-being. The Counselor...
About George Junior Republic: Established in 1992, Preventative Aftercare is committed to keeping families together by providing quality home-based services to at-risk children, youth, adolescents and their families in their homes, schools and communities. Position Overview: We are looking for community-based in-home Mental Health Workers and Mental Health Professionals (counselors) for the Community Based Program. George Junior Republic Preventative Aftercare is committed to assisting youth and families in establishing safety,...
About George Junior Republic: Established in 1992, Preventative Aftercare is committed to keeping families together by providing quality home-based services to at-risk children, youth, adolescents and their families in their homes, schools and communities. Position Overview: We are looking for community-based in-home Mental Health Workers and Mental Health Professionals (counselors) for the Community Based Program. George Junior Republic Preventative Aftercare is committed to assisting youth and families in establishing safety,...
About George Junior Republic: Founded in 1909, George Junior Republic (GJR) is dedicated to helping at-risk youth become successful, well-adjusted adults, capable of achieving a higher degree of citizenship and a better understanding of his responsibility to society, family and self. GJR and Affiliates serves youth, young adults, adults, and families through a range of programs. Summary of the position: Reporting to the CEO, this administrative position manages compliance within...
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32 roles are available at George Junior Republic. Use our job search to find opportunities that fit your skills and career goals.
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