Job Description Job Description Real Estate Property Management Company in Northern NJ is seeking a full-time Property Administrator/Recertification Specialist experienced in affordable Housing Tax Credits/ Affordable Housing. This position offers a great opportunity to advance within the company. Requirements are as follows: -Self-starter, takes initiative, follows up and through process -Pleasant phone manners -Must be able to work independently, be detail oriented and have great organizational skills -Strong verbal and...
Job Description Job Description Real Estate Property Management Company in Northern NJ is seeking a full-time Property Administrator/Recertification Specialist experienced in affordable Housing Tax Credits/ Affordable Housing. This position offers a great opportunity to advance within the company. Requirements are as follows: -Self-starter, takes initiative, follows up and through process -Pleasant phone manners -Must be able to work independently, be detail oriented and have great organizational skills -Strong verbal and...
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17 roles are available at Franklin Development Group. Use our job search to find opportunities that fit your skills and career goals.
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