Southwest Research Institute


About the Employer

Job Description

Who We Are: The Mechanical Systems Section in the Strategic Aerospace Department provides electromechanical engineering support for several US Air Force Global Strike Command and Department of Defense programs. We are a multidisciplinary team of engineers that enjoy supporting the warfighter. We provide engineering services to projects involving the design, development and maintenance of hardware and software systems for the strategic aerospace community, including aircraft and ground support equipment ranging from microcircuits to major subsystems. An an alternate work location for this position is Oklahoma City, OK. Objectives of this Role: Participate in large multidisciplinary teams to execute cradle-to-grave science and engineering projects that benefit national security. Contribute mechanical design and multiphysics analysis to support DoD clients with sustainment and modernization of legacy hardware for flight, ground support, testing, and maintenance. Support research and development of new technologies for national defense applications. Daily and Monthly Responsibilities: Generate mechanical requirements specifications, mechanical solid models, mechanical fabrication/assembly drawings, performance test procedures, operational procedures, and installation/integration instructions. Conduct structural, thermal, dynamic, and dimensional analyses to validate design capability against detailed design requirements Interact with colleagues and project leadership to present results, share data, guide design development decisions, and write technical reports to document design milestone completions. Support hardware testing activities to validate prototype performance against extreme environmental conditions Requirements: Requires a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Structural Engineering or Mechatronics. 1-5 years: Self-motivated with strong skills in organization, technical writing, oral/written communication, and professionalism 1-5 years: Experience with mechanical design development processes and analysis-based design verification/validation. 1-5 years: Experience developing mechanical solid models using at least one commercial 3D/2D CAD software (e.g., Solidworks preferred, but other programs qualify) 1-5 years: Experience validating mechanical designs using at least one commercial FEA or multiphysics simulation package (e.g., ANSYS, Solidworks Simulation) and analytical/scientific programming software (e.g., Excel, Matlab, Python) A valid/clear driver's license is required.