St. Thomas More Catholic Church

▷ [Immediate Start] Communications Coordinator

About the Employer

Job Description

Job Summary: The successful candidate will work closely with the Director of Community Relations&Evangelization to develop and coordinate a comprehensive communications strategy that brings the message of the Gospel to our community. They will manage communications for the parish and parish-sponsored ministries both internally (within the parish) and externally (to the greater community), keeping all communications in-line with parish vision and mission. Along with some administrative work, the position will coordinate all media of communications, as well as manage internal communications between staff and ministry leaders. This is a 30 – 40 hour per week position. Ministerial Character The Pastor is the visible principle and foundation of unity in the Parish St Thomas More Catholic Church which the Bishop has entrusted to him. He makes Christ's mission present and enduring in the parish. In order to fulfill his mission, the Pastor employs suitable, chosen collaborators (clerics, religious, or lay people). He shares with them his mission and entrusts various responsibilities to them. Positions employed at St Thomas More Catholic Church help to extend the ministry of the Pastor in particular ways as outlined in the job description. Therefore, the employee in this position is closely connected to and assists the Pastor in the performance of his ministry and thereby engages in ministry for the Church. Responsibilities: Media Communications: Prepare weekly print bulletin for weekend services (including occasional inserts, missalette back cover inserts, etc.) Prepare weekly newsletter to be distributed to all registered parishioners and other notifications as needed. Assist ministry leaders, as needed, to develop promotional materials for programming and ministries (i.e. bulletin notices, posters, website content). Collaborate with Ministry Support Team to develop and execute guidelines for communications Manage and publish content for parish social media accounts Coordinate photography of events and manage parish photographs. Coordinate writers for submission of materials for bulletin. Consult on and aid in design of campus signage Create and maintain all other parish publications (i.e. Connections Cards, Directory of Ministries, business cards, etc.) Manage parish website Publicize parish events in community news publications Submit parish events (eligible for outside participation) to the diocesan calendar of events. Oversee parish YouTube channel Assist with our Database Management Tool Develop and manage Communications budget Internal Communications Assist in maintaining current list of ministry leaders and volunteers Highlight ministry work and volunteers through available channels (i.e. bulletin, website, etc.) Coordinate Ministry Leadership Summits two to three times a year Assist with Coordination of Parish Wide Evangelization event PId38257e29db5-37156-36132717