Business Intelligence Lead At IntelyCare, purpose matters We are changing the future of healthcare by changing the future of work for nurses. We’ve built our mission-driven company on the idea that nursing professionals deserve better and when they are happy, patient care is elevated, and our healthcare systems thrive. Through our easy-to-use app and platform, nursing professionals get the pay, freedom, and flexibility they deserve while our partnered facilities get...
Make up to $55 an hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Arlington, MA (and nearby areas) as a W2 employee, but with absolute control over your work schedule. That's right, at IntelyCare you have the final say over when, where, and how often you work. With our all-in-one app you can easily select shifts at any of our partner facilities, customize your pay, access free professional development courses...
Now you can make as much as $65 per hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Honey Brook, Pennsylvania, and surrounding areas, with the work-life balance that comes from a completely flexible schedule. Not only do IntelyCare's nursing professionals have the stability of W2 employment, but they also get the freedom to choose their own shifts at partner facilities.This means you can elevate your healthcare career without sacrificing all...
Get ready to make as much as $62 per hour as a Registered Nurse (RN) in the Dennis, MA area as a W2 employee with a flexible schedule that you control. If you’re searching for a nursing job that provides work-life balance, you’re in the right place. At IntelyCare, you can easily select your preferred shifts and take time off on any day of your choosing without sacrificing the benefits,...
Achieve a balanced life with flexible schedules and get paid up to $61 an hour as a Registered Nurse (RN) in Harvard, Massachusetts, and throughout the metropolitan Boston area. At IntelyCare, which hires its staff as W2 employees, nursing professionals have the freedom to choose their own shifts at our partner facilities and to take time off on any day they like, allowing for a true work-life balance. Maybe you're...
You can make up to $50 per hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Bridgeton, MO and areas nearby and also have complete control over your work schedule. At IntelyCare, our nurses have the freedom to decide when, where, and how often they work, but they also have the stability and benefits that come with W2 employment. It's flexible schedules without sacrificing the support, training, and development that only...
Make as much as $44 per hour as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in Providence, Rhode Island, and throughout the metropolitan area, and finally have the work-life balance you deserve as a hardworking nurse. At IntelyCare, we understand the importance of flexibility, which is why our nursing professionals can choose the shifts at our partner facilities that make the most sense for them. We also provide the support of W2...
Earn a competitive hourly rate of up to $65 as a Registered Nurse (RN) in Wellesley, Massachusetts, and throughout the area, with a flexible schedule that lets you have more time for personal responsibilities, for your loved ones, and for yourself. At IntelyCare, our W2-employed nursing professionals have the freedom to choose their own shifts at our partner facilities — and any day, week, or even month that they'd like...
Earn up to $65 an hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Nazareth, PA (and the wider region), with a work schedule that you get to set and the security that comes with W2 employment. At IntelyCare, our nurse founders wanted you to have an alternative to inflexible schedules and a work-life balance that you control. With our mobile-friendly app you get to pick your preferred shifts at any...
Earn an hourly rate of up to $75 as a Registered Nurse (RN) in and around Export, Pennsylvania, and free yourself up with flexible schedules and the security of W2 employment. With the ability to choose your own shifts at any of our partner facilities, you can finally achieve the work-life balance you deserve while advancing your nursing career. With the freedom to choose when and where you work, you'll...
Earn as much as $36 per hour as a State Tested Nursing Assistant (STNA) in Minerva, Ohio, and surrounding areas, with the flexibility to prioritize other parts of your life while still having a fulfilling career. As a company founded by nurses, we understand the importance of work-life balance. This is why our nurses have the freedom to choose the shifts at partner facilities that best fit their lives, while...
Make up to $53 per hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Springfield, Massachusetts, and throughout the region, with the flexibility to enjoy a real work-life balance that you control. In addition to the support that comes from W2 employment, we at IntelyCare give our nursing professionals the freedom to choose their own shifts at any of our partner facilities, which means you can live a full life outside...
Get ready to earn up to $36 an hour as a State Tested Nursing Assistant (STNA) in Akron, OH with the dual benefits of W2 employment and a flexible schedule that you get to set. That's right, at IntelyCare you get to decide when, where, or even if you work on any given day by simply choosing from a range of available shifts at our many partner facilities. Are you...
You can make up to $68 per hour as a Registered Nurse (RN) in Cincinnati with complete control over when and where you work. If you've ready for a job that finally makes room for your life, now's your chance for a change. Nursing professionals deserve an alternative to a staffing model marked by burnout and high turnover. At IntelyCare we know that the healthcare system can do better. We've...
If you’d like to earn as much as $58 an hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in the Independence, OH area as a W2 employee with a flexible schedule, then this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss. This job is designed to give you a healthy work-life balance so you can have a fulfilling career without sacrificing free time for family, friends, and fun. To IntelyCare, a...
Get paid as much as $55 an hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Livingston, NJ (and the wider area), while working in a W2 position and setting your own schedule. Our nurse founders understood the importance of work-life balance for nursing professionals and built an entire company around it. On our team you get to pick your preferred shifts at any of our partnering facilities, take time off...
Enjoy the work-life balance of flexible schedules and make up to $66 an hour as a Registered Nurse (RN) in Woodbury, New Jersey, and throughout the vicinity. We know that healthcare workers value flexibility and stability, which is why nursing professionals at IntelyCare have the support of W2 employment and the freedom to choose their own shifts at our many high-quality partnering facilities. By charting your own course, you'll be...
Earn as much as $57 an hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts, and surrounding areas, without worrying about a schedule that leaves you with no personal life. Whether you're a morning person or a night owl, the freedom to choose your own shifts at our partner facilities gives you the work-life balance you deserve. At IntelyCare, we pair truly flexible schedules with the stability, benefits,...
Make as much as $34 an hour as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in Medford, NJ (and nearby areas), with a fully flexible schedule that you control and the benefits of W2 employment. That's right, on our nurse-founded team you get to choose the shifts that work best for you at any of our partnering facilities and take time off whenever you like. It's a work-life balance that you get...
Earn as much as $55 an hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Hamilton Township, NJ (and nearby areas) while getting to decide when, where, and how often you work. That's right, at IntelyCare you set your schedule by picking your preferred shifts at any of our partner facilities. But there's more — we also provide all the benefits, security, and stability that come with a W2 job. Why...
Make an hourly wage of up to $75 as a Registered Nurse (RN) in the Pittsburgh suburb of Wexford, Pennsylvania, and surrounding areas, while taking advantage of flexible schedules. Nursing professionals at IntelyCare, hired as W2 employees, can choose their own shifts at our partner facilities and take time off whenever they like, which allows for an optimal work-life balance. Everyone's different, and balanced professionals simply perform better, which is...
Achieve a balanced life with flexible schedules and get paid up to $53 an hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Harvard, Massachusetts, and throughout the metropolitan Boston area. At IntelyCare, which hires its staff as W2 employees, nursing professionals have the freedom to choose their own shifts at our partner facilities and to take time off on any day they like, allowing for a true work-life balance. Maybe...
Earn as much as $68 per hour as a Registered Nurse (RN) in Fremont, NH (and areas nearby) as a W2 employee with complete control over your work schedule. At IntelyCare, that means you get to pick your own shifts at any of our partnering facilities — and take time off on any day, week, or even month of your choosing. And, unlike a contract job, at IntelyCare you would...
Earn an hourly wage as high as $57 an hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in the Brighton, MA area, where a flexible schedule means you have complete control over when you work. At IntelyCare you can pick the shifts you want to work at any of our partner facilities and take time off as you need it — without having to get approval. As a W2 employer, we...
Earn an hourly rate of up to $65 as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Warrington, PA (and the wider area), while getting W2 benefits and a flexible schedule that only you control. At our nurse-founded company you can pick only the shifts you prefer at any of our partnering facilities, taking time off on any day, week, or even month of your choosing. And, unlike a contract gig, on...
Now you can earn as much as $70 per hour as a Registered Nurse (RN) in Telford, Pennsylvania, and other towns between Allentown and Philadelphia, while taking advantage of truly flexible schedules. Nursing professional at IntelyCare have the stability and professional support that comes from W2 employment and can choose the shifts at our partner facilities that best fit their lives. With the freedom to take time off whenever you...
Earn a competitive wage of up to $53 per hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Westminster, Massachusetts, and surrounding areas, with a flexible schedule that leaves room for your personal life. As a nursing professional, you know that schedules don't always line up with your personal needs. At IntelyCare, our W2-employed nurses have the freedom to choose their own shifts at aour partner facilities — while enjoying all...
Earn up to $35 per hour as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in Natick, MA and surrounding areas with a fully flexible work schedule. As a nurse-founded company, we understand that today’s nursing professionals are looking for both job security and independence. That’s why IntelyCare employees get complete scheduling freedom and W2 employment, with access to benefits, a support team, and training. At IntelyCare, we believe that you shouldn’t have...
Make an hourly wage of up to $55 as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Wakefield, Massachusetts, and surrounding areas, with the added bonus of having more flexibility for your personal pursuits. At IntelyCare, our nursing professionals can choose their own shifts at our partner facilities and have the support of W2 employment, which translates to a real work-life balance. So, go ahead and plan to attend the Wakefield Farmers...
Make as much as $60 per hour as a Registered Nurse (RN) in Belcamp, MD and the surrounding area while also having complete control over when, where, and how often you work. At IntelyCare, our nurses and aides get to set their own work schedule by choosing from a wide range of shifts offered by our many facility partners. But there's more. We hire all of our nursing professionals as...
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