Overview: Part-Time 24 Hours per week Medical Director Concord CTC, Concord NH Age Group/Range: Adults Practice Setting/Type: Outpatient Our newly built, adult outpatient Treatment Center is opening in November 2024. The Medical Director will attend to patients requirng care from specialty-trained professionals, in a highly-specialized, and quality-focused environment. Our team at Concord CTC is seeking to add a like-minded licensed physician to their diverse and dynamic team. Current license to...
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Currently, there are 13 job opportunities available at Concord Comprehensive Treatment Center on Hireo.us. New jobs are added regularly, so be sure to check back often.
13 roles are available at Concord Comprehensive Treatment Center. Use our job search to find opportunities that fit your skills and career goals.
To apply for jobs at Concord Comprehensive Treatment Center, click on the job listing that interests you and follow the application instructions. Make sure to have your resume and cover letter ready.